ASQA Audit Rectification and Response

As of 1 July 2018, the audit processes for initial registration and for changes to VET scope within the first two years of registration do not include an opportunity to correct and re-submit additional evidence if non-compliance is identified during the audit process.

If ASQA identifies non-compliances, providers may be given 20 working days to provide evidence that they have satisfactorily rectified the non-compliances. ASQA will then consider the rectification evidence.

If a provider remains non-compliant with the required standards, ASQA will make a decision about what actions to take next. In making this decision, ASQA will consider their history of compliance and the risks associated with the non-compliance. Actions might include:

  • Applying a sanction or condition to registration, and/or
  • Rejecting application.

While we prefer that we are engaged in the audit preparation, strategy, and the external process right from the beggining, we can also assist with post-audit rectifications and ASQA responses. Over the last decade, we have dealt with a range of complex compliance and audit issues across VET, CRICOS and ELICOS standards with excellent outcomes. The availability and quality of rectification evidences plays an important part.

For rectification purpose, we shall first need;

  • A copy of the ASQA audit report

Depending on the complexity and severity of the report, we shall, then, recommend the next course of action. If rectifications are possible, we shall suggest appropriate remedies. The subsequent process will include;

  • Developing an Action Plan
  • Reviewing and organising compliance and rectification evidences
  • Developing an Audit Reponse
  • Preparing a lodgement for ASQA

The onus of the evidence will be on the provider. A site visit and interviews/meetings with the management and staff may also be required.

There is NO COST for the initial review of your audit report. We shall provide you with our candid feedback and best possible options to help you make your decision. Full confidentialy is assured.

Contact us to discuss your specific situation or email – | Tel: +61 3 9620 3995