ASQA is increasing scrutiny on new applications for registration

Registration Changes

ASQA’s 2017-18 Regulatory Strategy identified the implementation of stronger controls on new training providers entering the market as a key priority.

On average, ASQA rejects around one in four applications for initial registration. ASQA receives approximately 500 applications for initial registration each year.

New applicants for registration with ASQA will now:

  • be required to submit more extensive financial viability data and provide greater disclosure on the backgrounds of people associated with the organisation
  • need to complete a comprehensive self-assessment to ensure that they are ready to deliver training, and submit evidence to support compliance
  • no longer have an opportunity to correct non-compliances prior to a decision being made on the application
  • no longer be able to make changes to a submitted application
  • generally, be registered for a two-year period.

Applicants must now also complete comprehensive self-assessments, and provide evidence that supports compliance, when applying for initial registration as either VET or CRICOS providers

Applicants who successfully achieve registration will also be subject to additional scrutiny during the first two years where they apply to add new training products to their scope of registration.

Financial Viability – FVRA Changes

To ensure applicants are fully financially prepared to operate a sustainable training business and help them understand the financial requirements for registration, applicants will be required to complete a new financial viability risk assessment.

Applicants must give ASQA a detailed business plan and a range of financial information and underlying assumptions including information on projections, funding sources, assets and loan arrangements, staff and student numbers.

Fit and Proper Person Changes

Initial registration applicants must make a declaration about whether the people who own or are associated with the applicant (and relevant associates) are ‘fit and proper’ people to operate a training provider.

This declaration will require applicants to disclose additional relevant information about managers, consultants, agents, and all owners, including those who have indirect ownership arrangements with the organisation. Applicants must also provide more information about their associations with other training providers.

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